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Freedom Baptist Church
Creative Connections Women's Ministries
From my heart to yours:

Dear Sisters,

Creative Connections Women's Ministry was birthed out of a desire to see the women of Freedom Church grow in all areas of their lives. We are all about cultivating connections with Christ and others in creative ways. We come from varying stages of life, diverse backgrounds and professions but have one common focus....Jesus. Our mission is to connect women with Jesus; encouraging spiritual growth and to foster relationships with others that will strenghten their daily walk with Chirst. 

I am a preacher's kid, and have been in church from the age of 5 days old. I was dedicated to the sevice of the Lord by my parents when I was 2 or 3, and I personally, began my walk with Christ at the age of 4.  Returning home from watching the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" during our Sunday night service, I didn't understand why Jesus was crucified when He had done nothing wrong. My father explained why, what sin is, and what it meant for me, but he didn't think that I really understood so I was left to my own child-like faith in asking Christ to forgive me and live in my heart. I knew Christ died for me, and I accepted His sacrifice on my behalf.  While I was joyous with my decision, I also took on the lie that my father didn't think I was smart enough to make that decision and it began a wall being built in my life between us. When I was around 10, he began to "witness" to me to get me "saved" and although I knew I had already made the decision I went through the motions of the salvation process in order to make him happy. I did find relief in the fact that my parents now knew I had made the decision to follow Christ and it was no longer a "secret".  Several years later, through watching a friend, I realized that I did not have a true relationship with Christ, a joy and passion for Him, as she did, and I wanted it.  I knew Christ as Savior and Lord but did not have that deep love for Him and my life felt empty.  During a youth revival, I rededicated my life, was re-baptized and committed to knowing Him more intimately.  Thus began my life-long journey of falling in love with my Christ. 

I surrendered to full time ministry at the age of 17 and thought I would be going into missions. I only completed one year of college and ended up dropping out due to health issues and finding that college life was not for me. I married my husband at the age of 19 and we began a life that has had many ups and downs, struggles and straying away from God for a short time. After a time of repentance and spiritual growth I began serving the Lord in different ways than I had originally planned.  Youth Ministry, Music Ministry (both as a lead worshipper and pianist), Administrative staff, and then being involved with an International Prayer Ministry for over 21 years, all of which has led me to the change of call to be a full time women's ministry director.  God's call was to quit my full time paying job with a Christian school to begin this ministry. I don't know fully what God has planned to do through me, but I am open to His call and following Him each step.  I am here to minister to the women of Freedom Church primarily, but also to the community around me, whether it be sitting with the sick or homebound, transporting women to appointments, offering a listening ear and spiritual advice, doing prayer ministry (Transformation Prayer), leading bible studies, facilitating women's events or even speaking at local events, I am willing to serve where the Lord leads. Feel free to contact me with questions, concerns or comments.   

I personally invite you to join us in ministry.  We all have gifts and talents that the Lord can use to minister to others. Come get to know us, fall more in love with Christ and serve with us. 

Our prayer and core verse as a ministry is found in Colossians 1:9-12, I pray this over you now as you read: "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understand that the Spirit gives so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowldege of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light." Amen. 

In His Hands, 


Bethy Caler
Creative Connections Ministry Director

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    "....where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom." II Corinthians 3:17
    Freedom Baptist Church
    1365 N.Bypass | Campbellsville, KY 42719 | PH: 270 789 2000